Making money and saving is recommended on Rai 3 in the December 15 episode of the program Neapolis.

Making money by renting themselves


The business of her husband rent.

Experts DIY?

DIY enthusiasts?

E 'pronto a new job just right for you.

People in difficulty, mostly women, will benefit your help to do odd jobs at home: fix broken blinds or shutters, replace a faucet, reorder the box, apply shelves, paint a wall, place the wood, or drove the Lord without license to do commissions.

The idea of building a service company ready to help women in trouble, came in 2007 to Antonio Cerizza, the DIY enthusiast, in a difficult period with her (now ex) activities of coaches.

The potential seemed good and the first experimental approach backfired badly.

The finding that, especially single women, prefer to have only one reference to turn to for small jobs and so did the rest came to life in the service bureau's husband for rent.

Very wide range of interventions, with hourly costs starting from 20 euros and request free quotes.

Over time the agency has become a true franchise that already has many affiliates throughout Italy.

To become part of the circuit reliability is essential especially as it becomes a reference for many ladies, not only for repairs in the house but also for commissions or councils.

The economic crisis of recent times has made a surge of requests for membership, especially by persons determined to integrate their financial income, but even with no other income.

The project has attracted the interest of several media including abroad, since the needs of a home are very similar both in Italy and elsewhere.

Customers like to let their husbands, the ladies, housewives, and wives of husbands who prefer to spend the weekend with their favorite hobbies rather than going with toolbox in hand.

Definitely a good opportunity to be evaluated for all fans of DIY, especially at this time in which to find or invent a job is quite difficult.

More information on the site Husband for rent.

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